> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tom Churchill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 15 January 2004 11:58
> While we're on the subject - would people on the list pay to 
> download (for example) Headspace and Emoticon tracks as 
> high-quality MP3s? Trying to work out whether it's worth 
> exploring these alternative forms of selling music on such 
> a small scale...

To be honest, I would. There are a lot of labels like Headspace and Emoticon 
with back catalogues stuffed full of records I'd like to own, but that I slept 
on when they came out (due to either laziness, distraction or temporary 
financial meltdown). If these sorts of labels repressed their entire back 
catalogues, I'd be leaving the local record shop with a bulging bag - but 
pressing vinyl is expensive so not everything can be repressed just cos *I* 
missed it first time.

Paid mp3 downloads would work for someone like me, because labels like 
Headspace and Emoticon are much harder to seek out on P2P networks than labels 
like Warp. And most of the records on my want list are from labels of that sort 
of size, by artists who aren't well-known enough to have achieved "critical 
mass" on Soulseek.

Owning records is nice, and so is downloading mp3s - but sometimes neither 
option is viable, especially when you're after stuff from smaller labels who 
can't afford to repress everything and who aren't all over Soulseek. So yeah, 
I'd definitely be interested in paying to download the back catalogues of quite 
a few labels...


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