On Tue, 3 Feb 2004, Thomas D. Cox, Jr. wrote:

> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
> From: "Derek Plaslaiko." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >fair enough. but what about the MASSES of people who DO have good
> things
> >to say about the album? arent you undermining THEIR opinion at
> the same
> >time?
> sure. its been pointed out many times before how many people have
> bought backstreet boys albums. that doesnt make them good. i trust
> my own opinion and the opinions of those who i respect.

you couldnt make the point any father from this argument. using the
backstreet boys as an example is so far out of the realm it isnt even
funny. come up with one thats closer to what were talking about and maybe
ill see where youre coming from.

> >youre whole argument is reminding me of myself, working at
> recordtime,
> >when the first daft punk lp came out. i friggin HATED it with a
> passion.
> i dont know what to tell you about that man. that record was ill.

you missed the point. i was saying that i wrote off the record before i
couldve given a formulated opion on it. IE: i should have acctually gave
it a solid
chance before i openly trashed it to everyone i know, and yes.. i did make
it a racial argument back then. and then 2 black artists who i have
enormus respect for to this day changed my opinion on it.

> >sounds to me like your perception is already skewed. and you
> dislike
> >matthews stuff for political reasons.
> how is that? ive said it at least 3 times already in this
> discussion that i didnt really care for his stuff way before he
> had any hype behind him.


> >ok... BUT do you really think that everyone who gets the
> magazine, reads
> >EVERY review?
> no, but even if a percentages does its still going to reach many
> many potential fans of the music.

and i think this is a good thing! theres nothing wrong with mainstream
coverage. "leave luck to heaven" isnt trying to be underground.

> >but as for the first
> >part..... you can say alot about the writers at rolling stone,
> but saying
> >theyre racists having not had an actual event of out and out
> racism thrown
> >in your face from them, is just making your whole argument even
> sillier.
> do you want them to burn a cross on nelly's lawn? WTF. the only
> racism is the KKK right? please. ignoring the artistic
> accomplishments of black artists IS racism, duh.

as is deiscrediting the acomplishments of white artists. im saying, why
base it on color at all?

> >well, then i guess im saying prefer you shut yours, instead of
> >discrediting something that alot of credible as well as
> uncredible people
> >say is groundbreaking and yes, innovative.
> i think you who call it "groundbreaking" and "innovative" should
> get your mouths pried off the crackpipe that is superglued between
> your lips.

tell you what, you find me something that sounds as clean and has as much
energy and life in the tracks, while still maintaining its sense of
minimal in it and ill shut my hole. until then, i call it innovative and
groundbreaking. its a breath of fresh air. something that really does
stand out from the rest of the same old crap. even if i didnt like it
personally, i would be able to note the difference just by listening to it
a lil more objectively.

> >right, but most of the people you have stated are being overlooked
> >probably dont want the attention or press in the first place, or
> they
> >wouldve sent it to RS to get reviewed. and if it really was
> exceptional
> >(as well as underground, and presented to them in a professional
> manner),
> >they would probably mention it somehow. but i highly doubt its
> racially
> >motivated.
> well then i dont know what to say to you. if you need it proved to
> you that mainstream media doesnt give coverage to black artists
> outside of the accepted genres of r+b and hiphop, im not going to
> do it. ask your boy shake about it.

just sent the email. we'll see what he says.

> >damn... i was right. that chip on your shoulder must really slow
> you down.
> no it doesnt, it makes me stronger.

good for you, too.


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