Yeah, I think there must be some frustration going on for Derrick to be so
open about the money problems in his interviews. I'm guessing sporsorship is
a major issue. In Detroit there's always going to be this extra race factor
thrown in when dealing with the major sponsors. While Derrick tries to pitch
a multi-racial, world-class event, I'm sure the sponsor are like, you want
us to give you money for some hip-hop/rnb (read black) music festival. Got
to be alot of pressure. I'm not mad at him. But I understand Yussel's point
that that expressing these frustrations in public (e.g. Coleman Young)
doesn't help the festival or Detroit. Just give us what you got Derrick.
It'll be great.


> On one hand I agree that talking about fees can be tacky. But on the other
hand, Derrick may have felt he needed to say exactly WHY Kraftwerk wouldn't
be at Movement. Like someone else said, they've always been considered the
"ultimate booking" for this festival and a lot of people are wondering why
it hasn't happened yet.

> But you know someone will say that it's still Derrick's fault for not
able to get enough sponsorship dollars to pay for Kraftwerk. It seems like
he's damned if he does, and damned if he doesn't.

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