On Mon, 22 Mar 2004, Carissa Tintinalli wrote:

> On one hand I agree that talking about fees can be tacky. But on the other
> hand, Derrick may have felt he needed to say exactly WHY Kraftwerk wouldn't
> be at Movement.

Derrick shouldn't be answering to anyone. He;s putting on a festival and
people will go. I'd have a lot more respect if he just stayed out of the
fray. 'Coulda, should, woulda, didn't' is not a flattering stance.

> Like someone else said, they've always been considered the
> "ultimate booking" for this festival and a lot of people are wondering why
> it hasn't happened yet.
> But you know someone will say that it's still Derrick's fault for not being
> able to get enough sponsorship dollars to pay for Kraftwerk. It seems like
> he's damned if he does, and damned if he doesn't.

well- it is derrick responsibility ultimately. if he wanted kraftwek to
play he should have found the money somewhere. or just let it go. airing
you business laundry is tacky, and believe me- its going to make lots of
big acts, not just kraftwerk, think twice before taking his phonecalls.

like i said up top- i'd much rather derrick just stay above it all.
pandering to the haters and doubters by offering up excuses just weakens
the festivals position

> >i guess the one nice thing about being kraftwerk is that you don't owe
> >anyone anything. there's no such thing as a favor gig.
> >
> >on the other hand, i do thing it was rather tacky to call kraftwerk out
> >like that. derrick gave me an actual dollar amount a month ago in an
> >interview and I choose not to print it.
> >
> >derrick isn't making things any easier on himself by airing $$$ issues in
> >public.
> >
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