We sell them at Rub A Dub and they are proving quiet popular at the mo (I'm pretty sure its a Dutch company that designed them)- seem to be getting lots of use at big festivals- they were everywhere at Movement and Soma just bought a couple of pairs for their Sonar parties



They seem to be big thing in Holland. I played there a gig couple of weeks
ago and the venue had Freefloats under their decks. AFAIK they were
invented in Holland for the Dancevalley event (correct me if I'm wrong).

Couple of points. I correct my mixes when the both channels are playing on top of eachother with the pitch fader. That felt really odd at first since
the deck was wobbling back and forth. This was due to the fact that the
decks were quite new and the pitches were very tight. How ever the needle didn't jump once during my 2,5h. Hmm, that was actually just one point :D

Any hoo, I ordered couple of those from a friend of mine. I like to play
without the 'floats but there are couple of places where they are more
than welcome.

Jari Tolkkinen | dj ken-guru | http://www.ken-guru.net

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