Blu-tack .. very good substance to use under turntables ..

    highly inert . but firm at the same time . so you don't have
    that swimming feeling ..

  In my experience . doing PA's ..  1200/1210 do feed back at
  a specific frequency ..  and this can be solved with a 31band EQ

   they must have changed the body mould for 1210, because they
   feed at a different frequency than a 1200 ..

    REALLY important . the tone arm setup and weight adjustment.
    the feed back response will change considerably if you have the
    deck setup right .  ie ,. right tone arm height and correct weighting
    for your headshell ..

    If the needle is hitting the groove from two low an angle, with to
    much weight on the arm then you will suffer,,  plus you get tracking
    noise , which can take up a lot of headroom ..

    These Freefloats do sound like a good idea though, cause if you are
    playing on festival stage, then you can suffer from stage movement
    long before feed back ..

     We used to build stages, with a special legs for the DJ table that went
     directly to the ground .. so that the deck were not attached to the stage
     in anyway .

the decks will still move, but the needle won't jump
But it's a matter of your preference, the floats I can
easily just pop into my bag, and pull them out in the
venue causes for them.  If you play a venue that already
has decks then you only pack your records, and if the dj
ahead of you had the skipping/ vibration going on it will
only take you a few minutes to slide in and setup your
floats without stopping the groove.


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      \\      aw'  yea I reckon ' //

\\ ................. . . ..................................... ... . . . .................................

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