

i was keepin quiet, but this is a f**king travesty.

what has juan done besides make some special records 20 YEARS AGO!!!

derrick and kevin deserve this award, because they've put their time,
energy and $$$ into making the Detroit festival happen. but no matter what
they do, they'll forever be tied to juan- the man who couldn't even make
his DEMF gig (and hundreds of other gigs)

The man who as recently as this summer blew off throwing the opening pitch
at a tigers game and i believe skipped the Metro times Motor City Music
Awards after they flew him to Detroit to recieve a lifetime achievement

Sure, the guy made some influential records. So friggin what. If I were
Derrick or Kevin, i'd be disgusted, that after all their recent efforts,
they still have to share the spotlight with a person who has done nothing
to benifit the city in the past decade.

All because some European idiots with too much time on thier hands and a
collection of ancient texhno wax felt that made them experts on Detroit

friggin shame


Hi Yussel... First let me say you that if you can keep polited your post, it
will be more valuable and respectable.

In place of a 'Stupid European', let me explain you why your post is a total

1/ Since 20 years now, Techno music is submited to us 'stupid europeans' as a
invented and developped by Mr Juan Atkins, Derrick May and Kevin Saunderson.

2/ Money put into Movement by Derrick May and Kevin Saunderson is not the
subject. Not anymore than Juan Atkins is present or not at some partys/events.

3/If you read carefully the letter writing for the guestbook in support to Juan
Atkins,you will find the reach point of this support. Juan Atkins was excluded
from this 'awards' due to his location. Not due to his participation or not to
the Techno music in Detroit or anywhere in the world since twenty years or one

4/The recent efforts of Derrick May and Kevin Saunderson are totally respectable
and we are (stupid europeans) in admiration on their job to keep Detroit
Movement festival alive. Again, it's totally out of the subject.

5/They will be disgusted to share the award with Juan Atkins? Since the begining
of Techno Music, they was not 'disgusted' to share the spotlight with the title
of 'originators' and this title is certainly a part of their success and the
'international achievment'. Even if it's a minimal part.
And again, BIG RESPECT to Juan Atkins, Derrick May and Kevin Saunderson.

And I'd like to remember you that 'stupid europeans' have done a lot for Detroit
Techno. Do you remember labels like Buzz Records, R&S, Tresor, ... And they
continue to do it. Majority of peoples who have signed the guestbook are
europeans who keep Detroit techno at a high level in Europe.

I don't know where you have finding any informations about our 'too much time in
our hands'...
But let me say you that it is not your problem. Please put your
attention in your own life and not in our own life.
Too, we are not only fans of 'ancient techno wax'... And we are not 'experts'...
But we are supporters and fans of Detroit Techno and this give us the right to
defend something we trust and for what we have passion and love. For your
information, it's an american who have writing the letter in support to Juan

You have the right to don't agree with our action, but again I ask you only one
thing. Be polited. 313 list is not a place for war between races or locations
where you are from.

A last word, I respect deeper all americans and all others on this planet. For
me we are all the same, black, white, yellow, pink/green/orange if you want !
But some peoples have what we call the respect and the education some have not

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