
I take your point that none of us are  "experts on Detroit civics."
There are some people on here more than qualify to comment on this, but
they're decent people and probably don't believe this is stuff for a public
email list. I agree.

>some European idiots

How do you believe that the 'detroit techno economy' might stand up without
the 'european idiots' that run labels, run clubs or just buy records?

I think it might be f**ked, don't you?

Certainly alot of American people tell me they don't sell hardly any
records in America, or never get any decent paid gigs in America.

And, lastly, re Juan. Isn't his job making music? As in it's his full time
Does anyone talk s**t about what you do in your personal life outside work?
In public?

No, didn't think so, it's just not relevant is it?
And we're not interested in your little hints, we would just like to hear
his music thanks. Not what brand of f**king cereal he buys. It's a) none of
our business, and b) just not interesting.

I'm sure you feel real cool being in the know, but we don't give a f**k. We
don't care.

You stupid American skip-rat idiot.

Kindest Regards


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