On Sep 16, 2004, at 7:44 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
And, lastly, re Juan. Isn't his job making music? As in it's his full time job? Does anyone talk s**t about what you do in your personal life outside work? In public?

No, didn't think so, it's just not relevant is it?
And we're not interested in your little hints, we would just like to hear his music thanks. Not what brand of f**king cereal he buys. It's a) none of
our business, and b) just not interesting.

I'm sure you feel real cool being in the know, but we don't give a f**k. We
don't care.

Thank you alex.

Yussell... this is Josh Glazer, right? You lived in Detroit, moved to LA, work for Urb? Yussell, can we just call you Josh... ? I think Josh Glazer thinks it's his role as a budding (or, do i have to say 'established') writer for Urb that in the true tabloid-y, over-reactive, back-biting biting world of getting a name for yourself as a dance music journalist. Where you think have to piss everyone off for awhile by saying ill-conceived poison so everyone think you have some sack as a writer with your own opinions. In some ways I admire that, but mostly I don't, and I get so tired of seeing it played out. I'd call you a victim of the system... (Urb, enough said?) but that would be letting you off too easy.

I'm sorry but i just can't understand throwing dirt down on people like Claude and Juan for some personal decisions they've made in their lives when they've contributed so much great music. On a 313 list no less. Without Juan you wouldn't be writing about techno.. you'd quite possibly have a different career/interests altogether. There are probably some detroit techno artists who probably don't pay their child support, owe some people money for bad deals, and have a substance abuse problem or maybe don't always put on clean socks everyday JUST LIKE THE REST OF THE POPULATION has at some point. Juan's award was for his contributions to MUSIC, right?? If he doesn't most deserve it in techno, WHO DOES in America? I'm not saying let's elect him to office, i'm saying let's recognize his contributions to electronic music. Do you have to try and take that away from him?

We all have dirty laundry, i guess you just think it's your job as a journalist to duty-bound diss and publically air other people's on 313. Not every ounce of haytin' that comes through your head needs to flow into your keyboard. Please consider these kind of things before you moan about them on 313. It never ceases to amaze me. I don't ask that you agree with me, I ask that you think before you so rush in to discredit others.

Matt MacQueen

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