you see it can happen, god on them and you for going to check em out....

...its up to us to educate the kids so if kids aren't getting into the style then we are to blame...

    yea .. i've had this discussion with several people in NZ.

   ...  and the process that you have to allow for a culture to develop.

   please have a read hear about my thoughts several years ago
   on the subject .

  In the article I refer to the generation hand on of dj's.  Understanding
  some of this has gone a long way towards how I treat the scene.

  Back when I was 16 there was only one promoter and about 5 dj's in
  my hometown.  I went to all the parties and they were on about every
  six weeks ..

  By the time I was 19, I was production crew for NZ biggest outdoor event.
  When we did this party ' no one had ever attempted to gather the dance
  scene together all at once.

   It was an awakening moment for the NZ dancefloor when 5000 people
   turned up to dance for two days.

   Since then . and that was 8 years ago . the scene got kind'a steroid driven
   and there are so many dj's events .. styles blah blah blah ..


  I meet kids today who are fresh on the scene and they don't even realize
  that we put on big parties years ago .. they think dance music was invented
  with hardhouse.

hmm. the point I guess I want to make is that . I felt jaded for years because
  I put so much energy in and saw so little back ...

However nowadays I realize that I did everything I should have .. I planted a seed I put all my best intentions and ideas into all the events & people I came across.

Good music, good cultures grow. They are not promoted, advertised or delivered.

They develop and evolve in real situations with real people .. and they exceed
   changes in trends, style and fashion.

This is only the beginning for Techno . . the music the ideas the identity is not a fast food consumer one . .. globally there is a greater more passive interest
   in the music that younger people will seek out as they develop their own

   To many thoughts not enough to explain .. trust the music.



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