Sadly (and from recent personal experience which I don't want to go into)
we're at the point where the large corporations (in this case the major
labels and their 'industry watchdogs' like the RIAA) have enough money to
effectively buy the law.

So yes, in these corporations eyes infringing (note..not stealing) the
copyright of their products is worse than you killing a random joe.

I agree it is completely out of hand but as long as they decide they
don't like it and are funding major political candidates and campaigns
(hello Mr Ashcroft) the law will be bent to their will.

Curiously, I'm not sure if the Emotion Electric peeps saw any
documentation pertaining to the shutdown but my recent experience which
involved US law enforcement offices certainly had at the bottom of key
documentation 'investigations were assisted by various intellectual
property trade associations, including....the Recording Industry
Association of America."

Which basically means the US judicial system is in bed massivlely with
the media peoples. In a kind of inbred not healthy way.

Head for the hills...


> jail time... think about how crazy that is really. They're feel that
> downloading is enough of a *threat* to society that they will remove
> you from society and lock you up for 6 years of your life. I could kill
> someone and be in there for just a few more years (10) comparatively.
> This is just f*cking ridiculous and out-of-hand.
> Doesn't that seem like cruel and unusual punishment? I think if turn
> over the bill at the end of the night and it says you owe $1.5 billion
> dollars for a round of drinks would be enough to make you rethink your
> past actions but to throw someone in jail is seriously harsh.

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