Help me understand -- do we believe emotion electric got singled out by bot, or by person?

Before we get too far in collectively imagining how to defeat the mega-corporate worms, crawlers, & bots by using any of the combined methods described below (graphically representing the tracklist, flash site, haX3R naming practices, SMIL, ZIP, RAR, whatever) it'd be nice to know if BPI and/or the RIAA are primarily using automated data sweeps, or whether they're also using real living investigating clods (you know, humans of varying levels of intelligence) who are probably paid, like $6.50 an hour to poke around and google in order to find encroaching sites.

admittedly, they're probably only using real living people to sniff out P2P encroachment, but I'd like to hear a contrarian's view before anyone puts time & energy into defeating bots....

Anyone think they're using PEOPLE?


PS. Can anyone else hear the eerie refrain? "Soylent Corp is PEOPLE! - Soylent Corp is PEOPLE!!!!!!!"

At 2:41 PM -0500 10/15/04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
the 313 list members - what a bunch of resourceful criminals we are eh?



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