do you have a link for the mix?

Somebody else posted in to 313 in the summer, no idea where from...

who cares what happens on the radio and other maninstream corpoate owned
media - we now  have the internet, cheap broadband and mp3s. i use my ipod
like a radio. there's a wealth of great mixes out there. today i've

--> But it's exactly this kind of elitism that marginalizes electronic music culture in America. I mean no matter how much somebody dislikes Tiesto, he can still play a mainstream radio show in Europe, but I can't imagine anywhere this would happen in America, Canada included. The homogeny and hegemony seem too strong. Maybe you're right about the internet, and maybe Europe is just 15 years behind still, afterall Mills and Hawtin were mainstream radio regulars before. I guess it remains to be seen.

downloaded matt mcqueen's latest radio show (a counter-argument to your
claim that 'this' would never happen on american radio), a fabrice lig mix,
an old mixmaster morris mix

--> Matt's a great guy, but he's playing for a very very very small niche in a very very very small niche market, not exactly mainstream.

ps. ' freedom fries'? so the republican party are a bunch of parochial
torturers. what's that got to do with the average american?
are you as a canadian responsible repsonsible for canada's absurd and
disgusting censorship laws?

I'm not too sure which ones you're referring to, but I hear that Canada is allowed to see a tit on TV. Wouldn't know, haven't been around.


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