Sorry Michael, since Alex is not as lucid as previous I feel the need to try and fill his funny shoes, so I am forwarding this to the list, hope you don't hate me for it...


I'm not too sure which ones you're referring to, but I hear that Canada is
allowed to see a tit on TV.

I live in the states and I saw a tit on TV the other day. It was giving a
state of the union speech.


Was that a tit, or a git?


PS. How do we judge Bush Jr. if in a relatively short amount of time "mostly representative" democracy flourishes in the Middle-East? Say ten years?

It's like I tell my East German girlfriend when I want to rile her up, "look baby, American Presidents are pretty good, Ronald Reagan saved your ass from Communism with his 'Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!' speech!"

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