Just wondering, are disagreeing with the fact that they stopped wearing masks or that the music is still great? I am assuming the first bit? Anyway i think it is also a lot harder now the get through customs with a riot mask in your luggage and saying that you are performing in this band called Underground Resistance which is part of the Submerge company and that you play tracks that listen to names like Riot, Sonic Destroyer, Belgian Resistance etc. etc etc... these are all wrong words you shouldn't say at customs :)


On Feb 14, 2005, at 4:30 PM, Martin Dust wrote:

Not really, those days are gone and so are the days of apologising for doing great work, there's a whole group of "techno elitists" who still feel that things should be so underground they actually turned into their own trap.


the era of the faceless techno producer - Mike Banks is one of the last
whose image was a ? in lots of peoples minds.
So no more masks? Takes away a bit of the whole UR shroud of mystery don't
you think?
At least the music is still great.

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