I'm not super upset about this - in the end it's the music that matters. I just thought that MM coming out from behind the shadows sort of puts the
last nail into the "mysterious techno producer" coffin.
There will always be those that continue it though (for whatever reason).

MMmmmm but mysterious to who? I could really see the point in the early days but wearing a mask in the good ole USA just aint that wise at the moment.

I think that MM showing his face might actually give more strength to the UR label. People now want to know who is doing what and they are willing to expose artists to others (discogs is a good example of this in action
-w/artist bios, etc.)
MM is in control of his image which is good.  I see how it can fit into
their propaganda (going face-to-face with the opponent, won't hide behind
mask, etc.)

Sure, I also think it makes perfect sense after listening to the interview he did


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