Hi Gavin.

Great post. Anyway.,..

>but is he making money out of it?

Ok, just to clarify - I wasn't assuming he was selling these on. However,
the article stated he was a 'well known dj'. So, therefore, he's plying his
trade with illegally copied stuff. So he is deffo making money.

And well, I ain't going to get into the whole dj'ing with mp3's thing, but.
arrrrgggh. why? they sound terrible.

Re your P2P argument>

Yes, definitely, agree with all your points entirely, I did kinda say that
from the outset. I think p2p is a great thing. For artists, consumers, even
record labels if they get it sorted out right...

That's why this is entirely different from the whole p2p thing. Yes, if you
lent me a cd and I listen to it, thats illegal etc, but this 'famous
italian dj' is CHARGING for the privelege of letting people hearing the
music he's playing.

It's sort of like me setting up a cinema, and playing bootlegged or copied
hollywood films all night, or art house films or whatever. I charge the
punter 4.95 to get into my 'cinema'. He sits down, watches the film.,
unaware its a copy etc, and goes away happy. But, the film
makers/distribution/actors see not a penny from it.

Do you see what I'm getting at, and that we're discussing two slightly
different points?!

>And my final comment on this, is that for me music is such a beautifull
thing, i understand that people work hard >to make this music, but is it
right that someone who doesn't have any money should be less musically
priviledged? >No, i don't think so, it's an impossible situation, and i
don't know what the answer is

Well, I agree with you here too. Unfortunately though, thats life. People
are always going to be more priveleged than others. I don't agree with it,
but we kind of have to live with it. In art, the government sets up museums
so the less priveleged can see these otherwise unobtainable paintings in a
public gallery.

>people make mistakes, i don't think this is a bad enough mistake to have
to pay for the rest of your life.

Granted. Flippin' eck, I made enough of them. and, yeah, you're right. But,
if the fine wasn't so hefty, perhaps they wouldn't have had all the
publicity to try and deter people from doing it. I still think its a good

Alex (p.s. your argument was explained perfectly btw!)

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