>>They should at least keep the fine reasonable.
>If they did that, I don't reckon it would deter anyone..?

sure it would. i mean $10,000 is still outlandish, but plenty of deterrance. 
1.4 million is just insanity. 
besides, you're skipping to "the big picture", while a sacrificial lamb is 
being slaughtered. i see no fairness in this, and that's what laws are supposed 
to be about..justice. did the dj make 1.4 million? did the record labels lose 
1.4 million? farrrrrr from it on both counts. but if the fine holds, the labels 
will indeed make 1.4 million. what a scam.

extreme measures for the sake of deterrance is a dangerous path. why doesnt the 
u.s. just start executing people at guantanamo (knock on wood). those dang 
terrorists wont be deterred otherwise, just getting to hang out down there.

it figures that it happened in berlesconi's italy.

>and it's fair that some artist makes his music for people to go make money
out of it, and him not see a penny?

assuming if the dj didnt use mp3's he'd still buy those records, or would have 
ever heard of them. 
dj's get promos for a reason. because they are in a position to promote them. 
attacking them after they've shared your music with countless crowds is pretty 
sour. without getting into larger patterns -- this is an individual case 
afterall -- for every record/cd the dj didnt buy, the artist lost out on...well 
if it's a major label, a few pennies or dimes, literally. a few more pennies or 
dimes from publishing. 

stupid exploitative big biz music industry money grubbing.

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