On Mar 1, 2005, at 4:47 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
well not that clever francis. just dl the file that is linked
of the button and then read it. that's the address of the
full .rm file

OK I was setting myself up using the word "clever".
Things just seem clever to me because I'm not.
Easy enough to find the proper address of the .rm file (I think you
mean "as opposed to the .ram 'presentation' file"?)
e.g. http://www.faithfanzine.com/mixes/DMAY_kiss.rm

The actual direct link to the 11.8 Mbyte .rm file for the
"KISS" mix is


The direct link to the 29.4 Mbyte .rm file for the
"Sunday Service" mix is

http://www.faithfanzine.com/mixes/ Derrick%20May%20Pure%20The%20Sunday%20Service%201993.rm

(In case that got automatically line-broken, you may have to

but then how do you download? (you'll have to spell it out for a
non-clever like me)

[10:06] nightowl:~/Desktop % uname -a
Darwin nightowl 7.8.0 Darwin Kernel Version 7.8.0: Wed Dec 22 14:26:17
PST 2004; root:xnu/xnu-517.11.1.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC  Power Macintosh

[10:06] nightowl:~/Desktop % curl -O "http://www.faithfanzine.com/mixes/derrickmay_kiss.rm";
% Total  % Received % Xferd  Average Speed          Time           Curr.
                             Dload  Upload Total    Current  Left  Speed
100 11.8M 100 11.8M  0   0   437k     0  0:00:27  0:00:27  0:00:00  438k

Everything's easier on a Macintosh  :-)

Actually what I meant by 'you need clever software or a cleverly
set up PC to download or rip' was even after you've downloaded
(the bit I find I can't do) you either need something like
Streamripper to get it out of the .rm format or a PC that can
store as .wav, .mp3, whatever, anything you play on it.

MPlayer will do it.  There's a beta release for Windoze at


It's very easy to transcode Real streams to something else in
MPlayer from the UNIX command line (Macs, Linux boxes, Solaris
et al.) but I've no idea how you'd do it in Windoze ...

        - Greg

P.S. To any Mac users, it looks like Real released a new version
     (v325) of RealPlayer 10.0.0 (a new RealPlayer10GOLD.dmg
     disc image) ...

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