In case anyone's still interested, I've made mp3's of the Derrick may and Larry Levan Kiss Fm broadcasts. I'm on soulseek with the username mewdeeman

I'm not sure if it's going to work though, since I'm behind a firewall and on a mac using solarseek.
Just let me know in case it doesn't.


On 2 Mar, 2005, at 5:21 AM, David Gillies wrote:

On Wed, 2005-03-02 at 17:11 +1300, Simon Kong wrote:

David Gillies wrote:
There's heaps of 313'ers who use Soul Seek. That could be cool. or
perhaps a bit torrent?

   yes . but how exactly do a I make it available to you through those
   networks .

For slsk, you'll just need to have your slsk client open and have the
file sitting in your shared music folder. Then either people can search
for the file name or find your name on slsk and grab the file that way

For bittorrent, you can use something like Azureus
( to create a new torrent, then publish the
torrent file up on a bit torrent tracker site. I have a tracker setup on
my server that can be used for this purpose.

The good part of bit torrent is that as long as someone sticks around to
seed the file, you don't necessarily have to be the only one sharing it
out the whole time.

   I need to go away and do my homework ' I have slsk on my mac . but
   not the bit torrent ..

basically have stopped using them cause it's boredom and awfully more'ish

   / also is it true that slsk has stopped giving out usernames !

Not sure. i haven't used slsk for a while.

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