First off, what a load of boll*cks.
What you are basically saying is that by "performing like a seal" you are magically transformed from a good DJ to a great DJ - absolute utter rubbish. The case in point, Surgeon, he clearly speaks through his music and that's the way he is, he doesn't perform but who actually does? Last weekend I watched Karl scream Ov Power into his face from a couple of mill away, he didn't bat an eyelid, it's who he is - and Karl is completely the opposite - which is why it works. Now, we (S23) on the other hand go nuts because it's the way we express ourselves - we even go for when we practice because it's natural to us but don't think for a minute that Surge isn't giving it 100%. It just a different way. I think it's a crying shame that unless you do something like a two step dance by the frigging Drifters you aren't a "great" DJ in your eyes, that is just proper mentalist.

each to their own martin. but a dj that isn't involved with the crowd just isn't doing their job.

Erm, which DJ's do you know who openly sets out to not get involved with the crowd? I can't name one nor can I think of anyone who stacks their box with that in mind.

don't get me wrong there are many ways in which a dj can be involved with that crowd (just being _genuinely_ physically into the music is _one_ way, see my original post) but i'm not saying that is the only way. i've not seen surgeon play so assuming he does have the crowd interested then he has a different method.

True but that was the analogy you used and I just pointed out that you couldn't hit a cows arse with a banjo with an analogy like that Robin.

at no point am i saying that a dj has to fake the funk to get things going (performing, as you put it, like a seal) but for me a dj fails if the floor loses interest for a sustained period of time.

Again nonsense, I've seen loads of DJs lose the floor on purpose and the start to build again and you can't have a crowd "at" all the time, everyone knows that and it much hard to give the crowd something the didn't think they wanted, always worth a go but I can see your point.

and to link this to the original point the source of the sounds is immaterial, the intention of the dj is.

So as long as you tip up with a big bag of intention you'll be alright then:) rubbish fella - the sound is the clay with which you work, that what the knobs on the mixer are for :)


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