Phew - and I thought it was just me that had no grasp of names and labels!
I'll tell you where it's at in my collection, know the sleeve design, know
how it sounds, but names?...
I try and pay attention but just don't remember them.

Non-trainspotters unite!

"I'm sorry, what did you say your name was again?..." (actually I'm much
better with people's names. He says, ha!)


>Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2005 17:41:26 -0000
>To: <>
>Subject: Re: (313) OOPS
>Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Oh wait, it's James Stinson...  okay I didn't know that "Clarence G"
>I don't even read what it says on my records anymore.  I just know them by
the colors and pictures mostly.
>Like, I know I have a green Drexciya record.  And a blue one.  And a
couple others, they are in that one crate, hopefully, right next to the
>stack of books.  A little to the left...  I'm sort of the opposite of a

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