I may be mistaken, but wasn't this State Theatre event the one that
was canceled?


i.e. March 1 2001.

On 7/15/05, /0 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i dont know what state theatre show you're talking about, but I remembe rthe 
> agents of change party, and it was packed.
> the state theatre is rather still-born in terms of techno venues...
> >
> > From: Kent Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: 2005/07/15 Fri PM 12:45:00 EDT
> > To: /0 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > CC: Robert Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,  "fab." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >         313@hyperreal.org
> > Subject: Re: Re: (313) Lost Sunday 28th August 2005
> >
> > Mills doesn't play anywhere in the US very often. I don't know the man
> > so I only have second-hand accounts of why this is, which nevertheless
> > are quite plausible.
> >
> > #1 -- and probably the most important: In Europe, the sort of people
> > who hire him are experienced professionals, who set up events in a
> > competent and straightforward fashion. He has pleasant and mutually
> > beneficial relationships with those people.  I'm sure there are
> > exceptions to this, but they only book him once.
> >
> > Present company excepted of course, this is not the case in the United
> > States.  By and large promoters in the US are either incompent yet
> > idealistic post-ravers trying to re-live the early 90s, or out and out
> > criminals.
> >
> > #2 -- Mills' management very successfully insulate him from a lot of
> > the people who are interested in booking him in the US. If you see
> > Mills playing in the US you can be certain that it came about through
> > the efforts of people who he knows well enough that they can talk to
> > him directly, bypassing his management.
> >
> > #3 -- Mills doesn't have to play here to earn a living. I don't know
> > the man, but I think when he's here in the US, he's tending to Axis
> > business and living well below the radar. It's probably a nice break
> > from the hero treatment he gets in Europe and Japan, which can no
> > doubt be exhausting.
> >
> > #4 - As for Detroit, specifically, the last thing I heard about was
> > the State Theatre show that got canceled for lack of ticket sales.
> > That has to rankle.
> >
> > On 7/15/05, /0 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > if mills came to detroit, it would be an EVENT.
> > >
> > > there is at least once-a-year demand for him in detroit, and thats 
> > > extremely
> > > conservative.  if richie hawtin can pack any place in detroit a couple 
> > > times a
> > > year, surely mills can.  not to mention the tools like bad boy bill and 
> > > richard
> > > (humpy) vision (or wtf it is) that play here regularly, and probably pack 
> > > clubs
> > > with the kind of people that make you wish the venue would get sucked 
> > > into a
> > > black hole.
> >

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