At 02:28 PM 9/7/2005, Renegade808 wrote:
In my opinion this kinda sucks...nothing against Kent Williams (think i
even met u in the D this year) But does this mean when Kent thinks
something is on topic its ok to talk about it and if he says No then we
can't?  That to me seems kinda wrong. It means we can only discuss what
Kent or any other moderator wants us too?

No. Reread Kent's message.

> If you think a discussion has veered
> too far from the putative topic of the 313 list, drop me a line
> privately. I will either admonish the off-topic-ees to cool it, or
> make an executive decision to let the thread die of its own accord.

Also notice that he makes no threats of kicking anyone, period.

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