well i dont really have a problem with anyone on this list...i have had it
out with alex a few times (all in good spirits). But i never knew we had a
In my opinion this kinda sucks...nothing against Kent Williams (think i
even met u in the D this year) But does this mean when Kent thinks
something is on topic its ok to talk about it and if he says No then we
can't?  That to me seems kinda wrong. It means we can only discuss what
Kent or any other moderator wants us too?  Am i not understanding this
correctly. jus seems kinda bunk as i am sure anyone on this list has there
own opinions as to what should be heard and what should not be heard.

I kinda agree with joe on this Kanye West has nothing to do with 313 as do
alot of people who have been discussed on this list. At times its a
english social hour with rants about places and things and cultures having
NOTHING to do with 313 techno. I did'nt even pipe up when there was the
tread about miners in the U.K and old U.K history...lol

it seems easy...jus keep the focus on Detroit. I am on ALOT of mailing
lists and the more off topic posts i have to delete the better.The
hurricane is kind of an exception as things like that are naturally gonna
make it to most lists in some sort of way as alot of people are effected.

I dont know i just dont like the idea that someone can come over the 313
and be like "I dont like what you are saying so kill the tread or your
kicked"  I liked it when we could solve our own problems.....but hey who
knows maybe 313 has gotten so outta control this is what we need??

just annother rant...lol


> As one of the Stealth Administrators of the 313 list, let me step in
> and say this:
> 1. A complaint about an off topic post isn't particularly on-topic
> either, and should be avoided. If you think a discussion has veered
> too far from the putative topic of the 313 list, drop me a line
> privately. I will either admonish the off-topic-ees to cool it, or
> make an executive decision to let the thread die of its own accord.
> 2. A Post that complain about posts complaining about posts that are
> off topic are the second derivative of an off topic post, and are even
> anything less interesting than the chain of posts that engendered it.
> I shall return to the shadows now. As you were.

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