I'm not trying to start anything...just trying to discuss rationally my
feeling on a moderator....
>From what i know Kent is a nice person with a level head. This is not
about Kent...jus about a list moderator, whoever it is. No one that i ever
recall has moderated this list. I've been on here for years and have never
heard anyone say what Kent did in his last post. ahh who knows maybe i
have not paid close enough attention

matt kane's brain said:
"Also notice that he makes no threats of kicking anyone, period. "

actually a week or so ago when Tom Cox attacked someone (like
normal)...Kent came on and in no certain words threatened to remove him
from the list if he did not stop his behavior.....and yes maybe Tom
deserved that. But where do we draw the line....like i said jus trying to
rationally discuss this without attacking anyone.


> Renegade808 wrote:
>>well i dont really have a problem with anyone on this list...i have had
>> it
>>out with alex a few times (all in good spirits). But i never knew we had
>> a
> We've always had a moderator, at least in theory. I think it was George
> Smiley, then Matt MacQueen and I don't who the stealth den mothers have
> been.
> Kent would make an excellent mommy, in my opinion. :-)  Spare the rod
> and spoil the childrens.
>                   jeff
> ps
> can I get get up and get a drink of water?

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