On Thu, November 3, 2005 4:58 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Grime - wonderful, dirty, gut level music (and I slagged it when I first
> heard about it)

im still much more entertained by the ideas behind grime music than the
actual product.

> most "techno" I think is not very innovative at all

good. music that defines itself by "innovation" is restricted by whatever
technologies exist and develop to let them explore "new" ideas. why relate
music so strongly to something so unmusical?

> I know that when I hear a track that's got some new crazy efx it's pretty
> cool at first but then if that's all there is - ??? - that excitement
> doesn't last

and then you get drum and bass where tunes have a shelf life of exactly as
long as it takes for other people to figure out how to make whatever sound
is popular that week. who cares about nonsense like that? where's the good

> I've always thought that techno was all about the human condition within
> the context of technology/technological advancement/sci-fi
> I mean what makes books like "I Robot", "Do Androids Dream..", "The Third
> Wave", etc. interesting is that they all relate to how humans (or robots
> who discover their humanity) react emotionally to the technology.
> so much techno nowadays completely ignores that and instead is interested
> in finding a new plug-in
> the best thing that Larry said is (and this is almost a direct quote) -
> there is no plug-in for that feeling



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