i think techno lost it's ability to innovate or influence..

perhaps because we're all too critical..

  Hm .. I think the criticism is keeping techno alive.

  Every time someone plays me "new" dance music all I can hear is the influences
  or lack of .. from Techno.

  The more I listen to the sound and listen to the ethos develop the more I 
  that Techno is the Jazz of dance music.

  This is obvious for so many reason, but I think the positive note is that 
  of this the music will survive, it will grow and change and evolve.

   I think criticism implies passion.  I don't like listening to crap, and tend 
   voice my opinions, especially in clubs and to Dj!  While in the moment I have
   gotten many dirty looks and jaded treatment ..

   ... time rolls around .. and a year later ..I am making the same comment to 
   same Dj in the same club . but pointing out to them how their sound has 
   and or not .. because of XYZ ..

   .. slowly .. in my life .. friends and associates are staring to hear what I 
am listening
   too .. start to understand their own musical histories and begin to realize 
where the
   roots of sound really are.

   I have noticed in my dance world that while many people don't quite 
understand the
   music I play or talk about .. there is a developing level of respect for the 
   I take to the music . to the sound ..

   This is not something about me .. but about Techno and the mindset you 
develop as
   you start to love the music.  I mindset towards innovation, history, legacy 
and culture.

   In the simplest way you grow up from being just a dancer into a dancing 
music lover.

   Jazz is a sound unique, that has a culture of its own in the music world.  
   knows what jazz is, but many people don't like it .. in many similar ways to 
   people don't like techno ..

   But Jazz has a legacy of artists and fans with a uncompromising approach to 
   music .. a deep set passion to the essence that makes the music.

   You experience this externally as attitude, or criticism, jaded behavior.

   This is what keeps the music honest though, keeps it fresh, keeps it alive.

   It keeps the music from becoming everything else ..

   Eventually people seek the music out, they come in search of the honesty of 
   passion, of true music lovers.  People seek out a richer connection to the 
   to the dancing ..

   I am involved with many different sounds in the dance scene, and for me it 
is the
   discussion the critical appraisal, the defensive behavior that keeps it 
   keeps it real .. keeps it connected to the music.

   Frankly I'm not really interested in collecting the records, playing the 
records or
   even making them.

   I am interested in listening to the music, learning from the music, and 
   myself to the music.  And I have always been willing to protect the 
integrity of this
   process by being critical of music that is not suitable for this practice.

   If the music is fraudulent, trite, chart filling crap I have no problems 
indicating to
   those present the thin veneer of its substance.

   However if the music is good, if its true, you'll just find me dancing !!

   Don't even get me started on innovation and influence .. haven't you figured 
   that when any other style of dance music gets lost .. they listen to Techno 
   .. cut a loop and run with that for the next sixth months ..



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