Thomas D. Cox, Jr. wrote:

what it IS about is feeling, and someone making noises in their studio and
saying "boy, that sounds cool, let me stick a kick drum under that and
release it" is not evoking a feeling. theyre being cynical and wasting my
time and theirs. but of course theyre making money selling it to hip white
kids. awesome for them i guess.


You jump from point A to point Q.

Someone making noises in their studio and saying "boy, that sounds cool, let me stick a kick drum under that and release it" could produce anything from crap to utter brilliance. With talent and quality control the results could be quite amazing and full of all sorts of feeling.

I've got plenty of "noise" records. Some are quite facile, uncreative and utterly disposable. Others are strange, amazing and quite beautiful even if the sounds are unusual, abrasive or cacophanous at times. The fact that it isn't melody-driven (synonymous with "noise" for a lot of people) says nothing about its quality or ability to convey a range of emotions.

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