On Fri, November 4, 2005 5:22 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> made sense to me
> you arrange the sound and create music.  The sound may feel musical to you
> but in and of itself it is not music.  It's just a sound.  It has a tone
> or
> aspect that lends itself to becoming a part of a musical piece.  It's not
> until that sound is arranged and purposefully placed within the context of
> other sounds that it becomes music.  "Purposefully placed" could be either
> deciding to let randomness stick it somewhere in the continuum or deciding
> exactly where that sound is going to go and interact with the other
> elements.
> It's just the act of doing - I'm going to do something with this sound so
> that it is no longer just a sound but a part of a constructed statement.
> wow - this is getting academic
> not really the point of my original post at all.

now thats the base point of my argument, pretty well spelled out. and the
idea is that the artist is trying to accomplish something here, trying to
evoke some feeling by either letting things remain random or not remain
random. its that purpose that is the emotion that is unquestionably
intrinsic in music as opposed to just sound. sound is cool, undoubtedly.
but its not music!


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