> Anyone who can explain to a total dullard what exactly it means for detroit
> to have the hip-hop mayor back in power?
> is this a good/bad thing?
> does a mayor have a lot of power in america?

I don't know exactly what it means, but I get the impression that Kilpatrick 
has a pretty bad reputation in some quarters. A few people I've spoken to 
allege that he's deeply corrupt + there are also rumours of violence and strong 
arm tactics.

I recently saw photos of what appeared to be Kilpatrick assaulting a political 
colleague (can't find them at the moment though) + there seem to be various 
scandals brewing.

On the other hand, one of his deputies (whose name I forget, sorry) seemed to 
play a key role in facillitating Fuse-In's 2 year contract with the City and 
pushing past some beaurocratic hurdles.

I think it's hard to say for certain what's going on until some of the 
allegations reach the courts. I'm afraid that I don't follow Detroit's 
newspapers enough to have a firm handle on what they're saying about him.

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