On Thu, November 10, 2005 8:29 pm, vmax wrote:

> In concept this would be true, but when a company employs let's say
> 2000 give or take people that is not a a whole lot of tax dollars
> going into the city.
> Then you have like in Detroit, Compuware came into the city and most
> of the people that work for Compuware live out side of the city and
> take there money back the the suburbs..  Not uncommon for most broken
> down cities.

thats kind of similar to what sony did when they moved in some factories
around here in the last 7 years or so. it doesnt work! but i guess thats
what theyve gotta try to do. pittsburgh is handicapped by this nonsensical
law that doesnt allow cities to annex surrounding communities. ive heard
this is because we're a commonwealth, but im not sure what that
distinction has to do with that particular law.

> Now if a company employed like 1 or 2 million people that would add
> to the tax revenue.

and it would help if alot of those people were getting paid high salaries,
if theyre just employing minimum wage or so workers, that still doesnt add
up to much. eh.


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