On Wed, November 16, 2005 5:12 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Is that why Madonna claimed to have invented vogueing?

youll definitely have to point me to where she claims that, ive never seen
or heard of that.

> I think Björk has exposed so many more people to a new way of listening to
> music
> The difference between Björk and Madonna can be seen first in the writing
> credits - Björk is the lone writer on the majority of her songs (see my
> previous post about Madonna)
> her concepts/music are light years ahead of Madonna's
> try as you might to compare them - the two just are on two totally
> different planes of existence

except of course for the fact that bjork is listened to by maybe 1/10th of
the size audience that madonna is, if that. madonna getting relatively
underground electronic music played on pop radio stations is something
that bjork certainly isnt pulling off (not to take anything from her of
course, i love both of them!). they are definitely different, but madonna
does things on the most mainstream level, and the stuff she gets away with
on that level is far crazier than what bjork gets away with on her much
more limited stage.


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