I'm actually very curious to know what people mean when they say they play "live".

What exactly are they playing live?  They only have two hands....
For drums, they can play some kind of pattern, but if they're playing even close to a whole beat, they'd have no hands left. Do they mostly just have some sequencer(s) going and maybe they choose which pattern or sequence of patterns will come next? That's do-able with a drum machine. I've never used a hardware sequencer, so I don't know if it works the same way.

In short, just how live is "live"? And why do I get the impression live-without-a-laptop is supposed to be more live than with-a-laptop?



seek wrote:

"Richie is using Ableton Live and his new CTRL controller as the front-end to Derivative's TouchMixer, which is generating live visuals for over 25 Plastikman songs. Playing a music loop in Ableton also automatically triggers and syncs a visual element in TouchMixer, while volume faders and other sliders affect details of the visual elements, like brightness or size. This setup enables Richie to experiment with visual combinations, which as a side effect, induces unique sonic combinations......"

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