----- Original Message ----- From: "Matt Kane's Brain"
i saw them a couple weeks ago. the local opener was good. fehlmann's dj set was GREAT, the actual orb set that followed was pretty good, but it seemed to be mostly a fehlmann laptop set with patterson trying to mix records into it. it would have been awesome without patterson, imo.

It ~was~ awesome without LX!  I heard/'saw' Thomas Fehlmann, solo, last October,
just before the recent Orb album dropped.  He played a phenomenal, dubby
laptop set: some of the tracks were his recent Plug Research and Kompakt stuff;
most of what he played that night turned out to be from 'Okie Dokie...', though 
slowed a lot of it down and dub-ub-ub-ub-ub-ub-ed it up, big-time.
Great, great show: perspiration paradise!

Not sure what LX's contributions were to the album, but not much, apparently.
And like you say, that's not a bad thing.

btw, Fehlmann was wearing a "Jay Lib" t-shirt.  wtf is "Jay Lib"?!


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