Analog vs. Digital, PC vs. Mac, Richie vs. Jeff

Please stop discussing this, there is no point, there will be no winner. It is all about whether you like digital sounding productions or not. It is not about good or bad it is about like it or not.

On 3-sep-2006, at 8:15, v12 wrote:

 Ive had tracks mastered by twerk
that suddenly went from luck warm to boiling hot.. simply because he knows
what he is doing ...

^honestly, i gave you examples/titles as i know what i am saying.
if you say the opposite -pls stop the general statements about some ghost
recordings and give me examples/titles in return.
that really saves time. btw twerk/sutekh and related  producers are
repsonsible for the most absurd
audio ive heard so let me hear the "boiling hot" you talk about..

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