too much zen, but thats ok..
to sum up. this isnt about namecalling as such.
rude truth is handsomer than any of your pseudo-civilised politness..
u think you're that mature? no you arent,you're just old and tired..
even too tired to see the detail of the matter,comparing current
affairs to some bs from the 80s.. they seem alike? they arent..


----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrew Duke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "list 313" <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2006 6:06 AM
Subject: Re: (313) Namecalling is Bullsh!t

> I think the important thing to remember (somewhat similar to what
> Kent said) is that all of this posting is archived and there may be a
> time in
> the future when we look back in hindsight at some of our posts
> (that maybe we shouldn't have posted) and wished we hadn't posted
> 'em.  Personally, my big shouldn't-have-happened is when I was doing
> my syndicated radio/net show and got pissed off at Javier Drada because
> I felt I had premiered something on my show that he said he was premiering
> on his show.  At the time I was pretty fired up about it, but soon after
> hindsight I realized it was a pretty foolish thing to give a damn about
> though
> I think I kept this to myself and never made it public.
> So, Javier, if I never apologized for being an ass about that then,
> please consider this
> an apology.
> I think far too often, and not just on this list, on forums, and other
> forms of cyberspace,
> we don't a) think "should I really bother to post this" before posting
> and b) apologize
> for our hastiness after we post something we realize maybe we shouldn't
> have posted.
> Ditto for in outside-cyberspace life.  Being married has made me realize
> that one of
> the most important things you can do is be the person to apologize first
> even when
> perhaps the other person should have been the one doing the first
> apologizing.
> Andrew
> --
> Andrew Duke
> scoring/sound design/source

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