On 2/5/07, robin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I don't understand the point of those Hard Rock cafe chain things. Like
a themed upmarket mcdonalds init? Why's that considered an attraction?

well the idea can be cool: a spot to eat food in with lots of music
memorabilia, especially stuff related to local music. in practice, the
food is not that great (though not as bad as some people make it out
to be. its burgers and stuff like that, not a 4 star restaurant), its
expensive, the music is played too loud making conversation annoying
at best impossible at worst, and in pittsburgh's case the local music
that is popular is classic rock and hair metal. and not in an ironic
manner. so you can guess what kind of stuff is present. though the
angus young suit and gibson sg was pretty ill. i went once with my
son, he thought it was cool but he's 5.


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