Tom - the Seminoles, as a whole, never signed a peace treaty.  Also, they
were not all removed from the Florida swamps.  They were in poverty but
from that they have sprung up to become probably the richest First Nations
people in the entire US.  And they own the Hard Rock Cafe chain.
Their current revenue is around $1 billion per year.  It's thought that
each tribe member earns about $7,000 per month just from tribal revenue
(casinos provide most of it).  Because they own the Hard Rock Cafes they
also own everything inside which includes all of the valued memorabilia -
mostly that of "white culture".  Means they've become a museum of sorts of
"white culture" just as our museums "own" their artifacts.  An interesting
turn of the tables.

Yes, the US government was merciless with the Seminole but look into where
they are today and you'll see that they're doing better than most white
middle class communities.
That was my point.  Since this is OT I'll end it there.


"Thomas D. Cox, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 02/05/2007 11:31:58

> On 2/5/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You should read the entire article you posted:
> i did. the end of the second seminole war was like this:
> Colonel Worth recommended early in 1842 that the remaining Seminoles
> be left in peace if they would stay in southern Florida. Worth
> eventually received authorization to leave the remaining Seminoles on
> an informal reservation in southwestern Florida, and to declare an end
> to the war on a date of his choosing.
> also:
> Worth returned to Florida at the beginning of November 1842. He soon
> decided that Tiger Tail and Otiarche had had taken too long to make up
> their minds on what to do, and ordered that they be brought in. Tiger
> Tail was so ill that he had to be carried on a litter, and he died in
> New Orleans waiting for transportation to the Indian territory. The
> other Indians in northern Florida were also captured and sent west. By
> April 1843 only one regiment, the Eighth Infantry, was still in
> Florida. In November 1843 Worth reported that the only Indians left in
> Florida were 42 Seminole warriors, 33 Mikasukis, 10 Creeks and 10
> Tallahassees, with women and children bringing the total to about 300.
> Worth also stated that these Indians were all living on the
> reservation and were no longer a threat to the white population of
> Florida.[66]
> 42 seminole warriors all on the reservation? doesnt sound too fun to me!
> tom

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