DJT1000 replies

> Because it's double the vinyl,
> hence double the price.

Vinyl costs about 5c.
Admittedly there are some extra costs to recoup, like
cutting & more studio time. *but* there must be
massive economies of scale in things like
distribution, promotion, storage and racking, artwork
and handling etc etc. Still think almost double the
price is taking the piss.

Not really. From a labels PoV, you end up paying double for almost everything apart from sleeves. Two cuts, extra artwork design + films, shipping costs get bumped up, etc. Also, even though your costs are increased, you might only sell a few hundred more copies, so you make back less overall.

Last time I looked, in Holland, the same thing works
in reverse with German, Belgium & Dutch gear going
cheaper than stuff from the UK. Funny thing is this
actually seems to increase desirability and sales as a
result. As a local example CiMs, always excellent,
output got a better market visibility in the UK when
it came out, at import prices, on Delsin! That extra
40% most help the shops margins???

Thats different because the Delsin 12" was in a different (more downtempo) style and had more tracks on it than the Headspace stuff. The sound of it was more IDM which sells okay at the moment.

Also, I'd guess some Dutch artists have sold more on UK labels than they did on Dutch ones (e.g. Gerd and Max404 on Universal Language)

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