Great Interview!  It is really good that such an optimistic person can become a 
very positive influence on society.  

I can relate with Jeff on a few ideas too.  For example, I have challenged my 
physics professors too many times to count.  The problem with physics is that 
alot of the theorums and concepts are based on spacial limits.  One example is 
Eienstein's theory of relativity, E=MC^2.  This concept relies on C, the speed 
of light, as a constant.  This theory also depends on nothing ever travelling 
faster than the speed of light.  It almost seems immature to me to rely on that 
as being the limit in such a enexplainably, magnificantly large universe with 
so many unknowns.  Sometimes I wonder why I even keep going to class when it 
seems like they only put concepts like this, which destroy our imagination, 
into our heads to give us some sense of understanding.  Sometimes I think that 
when it is our time to understand, we will.  Until then, it seems utterly 
rediculous to even attempt to understand things like this.

I know that what I typed above sounds realy negative, when I started out 
talking about Jeff's optimism.  I guess I just hate losing my imagination.  It 
all boils down to imagination being much more important (to me) than knowledge. 
 Knowledge gets you money in this world.  Imagination gets you...  Well, I 
don't know what it gets you, but it definately makes life a bit more enjoyable. 
 I know I enjoyed life alot more when I was a kid, with hardly any schooling, 
and just the next piece of pleasureful candy, the next friend I would make, the 
next time my Mom kissed me goodnight and told me she loved me, or the next toy 
I could play with to look forward to.  Man that was the good life!

Basically, if man ever does discover that something travels faster than 3 x 
10^8 m/s, science falls apart, per say.  But the imagination is just as 
limitless as before.  If you think about it, as time approaches infinity, 
knowledge approaches the imagination.  Unfortunately, according to math, 
asemtotes are never met...

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