>I have challenged my physics professors too many times to count.
My god, I have such total sympathy with your professor!!

> Basically, if man ever does discover that something travels faster than 3 x
> 10^8 m/s, science falls apart,

    I found most of this post to be pretty silly but this point in
particular struck a chord- are you really saying that if faster than light
particles are proved beyond doubt to exist that a car whose aerodynamics
were formulated using quantum uncertainty algorithms will stop being
aerodynamic?  Or that your microwave oven will cease to operate.  Science
didn't fall apart when it was discovered that light travels through space in
a vacuum and not some "ether" as was previously believed (the same "ether"
that "held people onto the surface of the Earth" before the discovery of
Gravity), not did it fall apart when it was "discovered" that the Earth
orbits the Earth and not vice versa (although a few people's world may
have!), Science expands to incorporate new ideas as and when they come
about, usually with a delay of a few decade,
    The interesting thing is the the writer complains of a feeling of
"brainwashing" and having the "Imagination" "programmed" out of him- quantum
theory was one of the most imaginative feats of the 20th century- thinking
of things in two different way simultaneously- wave/particle duality is no
mean feat.
    I believe that Techno can inspire original thoughts and I also believe
that it can have a theoretical base however, too often this is simply a case
of covering for a lack of any real originality or talent (Ritchie Hawtin in
my opinion), also these things can be taken just a little bit too far (I am
just old enough to remember the horrors of Emerson Lake and Palmer and
Genesis "concept" albums some of which were based on similar "utopian"
society ideas as are being touted about today by techno producers who should
know better).

>Sometimes I think that when it is our time to understand, we will.

And until that point we should just keep our heads under the parapet??

Jason Brunton


PS Has anyone heard any good RECORDS recently???

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