> Yeah maybe.  Or you could go on believing everything your physics
professor has to say.  The truth is > that man will never understand even a
minute fraction of life and the way things work.

Or perhaps you can believe there's some truth to what your prof. is saying
and use your imagination to come up with new and wild experiments to try and
disprove these theories.

> You base your statement on man's burning curiosity, which is a totally
valid point.  I, myself, fall into  > this category.  I am just saying from
personal experience, that when you assign all the naturally >occuring events
a number, it just get's boring and leaves less room for the imagination to
kick in.

Name me one physicist who looks at everything around them as a number, and I
will grant you one insane physicist.  We are still human, we still see trees
as trees, rocks as rocks, and stars as something truly magnificent that most
people take for granted.

> BTW particle and wave duality is just another small example of science's
flaws.  They categorize     >everything and then WHAM!  Something like that
comes along and throws a monkey wrech into the >equation.  Then they try to
find out why and fix it.  I guess it is something to do to pass the time,
but to >egg people on by paying them money to fill their heads with it?  Not
cool.  I liked it better when the >scientists (Plato, Socrates, etc.)just
taught whoever would listen.

And?  At one point we thought the earth was flat, so we learn diffferently
through using our imaginations, and trial and error that we would not indeed
fall of the face of the earth.  The reason your able to do more than half
the imaginative things you think you are doing today is because of physics
and other sciences.  Imagination is half the process of figuring out a new
equation or possible theory.  The other half consists of a strong mind, and
the ability to learn.  Something many of us in today's society severely
lack, because we are too comfortable, and have far too many other things to
As for Plato and Socrates teaching those that would listen, they got paid,
they taught rich kids,  if you think they didn't you haven't read enough
about them.


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