MBAs (Masters in Business Administration, aka--'beancounters'...)making creative decisions based on tired ass formula's. Real life cannot be fomulated, natural order/disorder will always thro a curve ball.

From: "R.Y.Fixer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [313] The Great White Hype...was IT'S ABOUT TIME!!!
Date: 01 Mar 2002 18:36:07 +0000

hillbilly music != country music.  Appalachian music has it's roots in
Irish folk music.  A lot of the O' Brother Where Art Thou? soundtrack
that just won the Grammy for Best Album of the Year was Appalachian
based music.  Never been a money maker, mostly white folks making it,
small subculture surrounding it, etc.

Your point is still valid, who's the evil oppressor in this case?

On Fri, 2002-03-01 at 13:15, John Bush wrote:
> > While money may be the easiest problem to
> > shake your fist at, the marketing forces
> > that determine the economics are guided by
> > history - a history of bigotry and conservativism
> > that refuses to acredit African-Amercians with
> > anything outside of popular stereotypes.
> Don't forget hillbillies! Obviously race made a huge difference in blacks > not getting airplay, but class and regional identification pushed country
> music out of the mainstream for a long time too.
> Does this prove that (music industry) money sees no color? Not necessarily, > there were plenty of bigots in the music business (as in society), but as an
> industry-wide force it may have been a more pragmatic form of bigotry...

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