I have a question.  Why don't people who do live techno performances get
the same respect that DJs get?  I ask this for a couple of reasons -- first,
I do live performances myself, and second because I've seen people recently --
The Kooky Scientist, Shawn Rudiman, and Stewart Walker -- who all put on
performances that were improvisational, raw, emotional and immediate.

Is it because everyone has seen lame Live PAs?  Is it because being a DJ
allows you more free time to pump your fist in the air and dance around?
Or are dance audiences so into their own private trip that they don't rate
someone doing it for real over someone playing a record?

I just find it really odd.   A fairly new form of musical performance is
mostly being ignored; people who are fantastic performers aren't getting
shows.  I also think it's odd that there's a reversal of the rock aesthetic;
rock (and jazz, and classical, and country) highly value people who can
excite an audience with a live performance.  Techno audiences seem to look
on live PAs as a time to pee and refill the water bottle, but they're rapt
and in awe of a guy who is, well, playing records.

And no, I'm not dissing DJs.  DJ'ing can be an art; and the best DJs are
as much musicians as anyone playing a guitar.

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