>Believe me, I would have loved to have had the freedom of style that Simon
>Reynolds or Kodwo Eshun had with their books--not that I write with that
>much artifice. Inventing new words and all seems distracting at first, but

>maybe that's a viable way to describe many of the sounds in the techno
>spectrum. I guess it's a matter of personal preference.

One of the reasons _Techno Rebels_ works so well is that it didn't lapse into
sub-Deleuzian word invention. Eshun revels in this and comes up some neat words
(and hence ideas) but I'm less into his whole journalistic bent. I'm just not
into Reynolds' stuff ("intelligent booty" anyone). I liked the fact that any
attempts Dan made to describe techno never got in the way of me reading it,
unlike Eshuns/Reynolds work.

My only problem with _Techno Rebels_ is that the word "pulsing" wasn't used
that much :)

>Okay, I'm starting to ramble ... I'm cutting myself off before I use the
>word "pulsing" :)


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