Ha, this is so funy! You guys sound exactly like all the people who didn't
use electronics back (and didn't like it at all) in the day when house and
techno came around. They used some of the same arguments for years: This
electronic house thing is just a hype and will go away. 


Yair Etziony wrote:
> Regards.
>  i really enjoyed reading your stuff vince i think that u r 
> like 90% right.
> most of the time we think that technology will make us more 
> innovative and
> more creative, but alas i think technology is just making us 
> more and more
> dependent on it. 
>  creative is something that comes from the mind not something 
> u can have
> with technology, like any new gimmik the final scratch will 
> come and go. i
> am not too sure that vinyls will stay for ever but i know one 
> thing- all the
> new technology stuff for dj`s is simple uncreative. they made 
> software who
> acts as turntables ,they make cd who acts like a turntable. 
> if technology
> were really creative they would just try to immitate but to innovate
> something REALLY new.


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