> here's a question:  why do so few live pa's do this?  Of the ones that i've
> seen that actually *do* play live, i still see many of them with fully
> sequenced songs.  the only thing they do is is twiddle a few knobs.  I mean,
> if you're not going to play that way, why not play off of dat?
> gah.  i don't know.  its such an interesting performance medium to me, and
> sometimes it breaks my heart that live pa's STILL don't get much respect.
> It doesn't matter how much gear you have on stage, or how much of it is
> performed live;  you're always going to have people asking, "so what kind of
> music do you spin?"  And now with technology like finalscratch, the line
> between production and djing is blurred even more.  is the live performance
> of electronic music just going to go away?  Companies are starting to put
> gear out with the live situation in mind, and most of it really can heighten
> the live experience (i *love* my two rs7000's), but i still don't see any
> sort of increased emphasis of live performance anywhere, be it in
> messageboards or magazines.  I don't see urb (used as merely as an example)
> publishing an article on the top100 live pa's, or the top25, or the top 10,
> or even mentioning anyone who plays live.  it just seems like you get
> respect in this community (techno elitism included) if you DJ AND you
> produce.  or maybe i'm just a jealous whiney bitch.  or maybe its the fact
> that as live artists we just haven't given the crowd what they want.  any
> ideas?

Get used to it..........

Telepathic regards,

The Kooky Scientist
a/k/a the Rodney Dangerfield of electronic music

TELEPATHICA - P.O.B.80337 - Boston, MA  02180-0010  FX 978-741-8901

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