These kind of pictures, reports, call it what you want is also a part of what we
call 'bling bling' in 'gangsta' hip-hop. There is not any moment in this video
where you'll see blood, peoples dying for real, it's all about what they show
not what they really do.

True hip-hop is totally out of this things, try to find a video clip of A Tribe
Called Quest with guns... I'll pay you champagne.

Then we'll listen some real old school hip-hop and have fun.

On another side, I don't say it's all 'bling bling', Detroit is and will stay a
'hard city'. There is guns and peoples dying by use of them but where I live
too,  let me few hours and I can buy a Beretta or a Smith & Wesson for 400/500

In my opinion, guns and violence are everywhere, maybe overexposed in some
cities where hip-hop is mediatised but this movie clip is no way hard to see,
it's just near 'fun', it's easy to laugh/smile at some scenes.

What is hard to see today is all these wars, seeing peoples dying over the world
(Africa, Columbia, India, some parts of Russia), childrens in obligation to work
since 5 or 6 years to survive, because authorities don't do anything to help
them. Their guns are called dollars, euros, yens, ... The real killers of our
world are not in the streets, they are behind a desktop manipulating laws and
calling it justice. They drives also mercedes 500 but it's not crack and drugs
paying them, it's us.

Just my point.

Dimitri Pike

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