The main difference between this and that Detroit
video is this does not glorify guns and violence.  The
images here are clearly anti war and hodge podge.  

There are plenty of people that try to use Detroit's
reputation in the promotion of themselves...Even Mad
Mike will do it...and he isn't a thug.  I've got a
video on myspace where he mildly pulls it.

I bet if someone bought that D video in the end it
just looks really sad how a the people of a city ended
up like that.  

I watch this show on A&E called The First 48, and all
these thugs roll into the police station hard as
nails, and by the time they are done being questioned
they are crying like little babies.  They don't
realize how bad it is until they are in trouble for
doing the same bad stuff. (in case you
want to see the mad mike vid)


--- Wildtek Concept / DJ Dimitri Pike

> Here is a movie clip of french hip-hop team 'IAM',
> it's far from their best
> productions in terms of sound and it's in french but
> the pictures are talking
> themselves and represent well what I'm trying to say
> in my previous reply.
> To see :
> Have a nice day !
> -- 
> Dimitri Pike

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